Adult Children of Alcoholics: 7 Signs and Effects

Children whose parents use alcohol may not have had a good example to follow from their childhood, and may never have experienced traditional or harmonious family relationships. So adult children of parents with AUD may have to guess at what it means to be “normal.” Because of such factors, “it’s important for all parents, including … Explorar

Dopamine vs Serotonin: Depression, Digestion, Sleep, and More

These changes may disrupt cognition and possibly contribute to alcohol-induced memory loss and impaired judgment. Activation of serotonin receptors (5-HTR) produces multiple effects on neurons. Serotonin (5-HT) can bind to receptors that activate proteins within the cell called G proteins. Activation of these proteins, in turn, affects ion channels in the cell membrane and induces … Explorar

How to Detox from Heroin: a 5-Step Solution to Addiction

This includes residential rehab and aftercare options to help you stay heroin-free for life. Contact us today to learn how we can help you get on the road to recovery from heroin. A number of treatment centers simultaneously treat addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Like substance use … Explorar